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Your Path To Financial Freedom

“Money in the bank is like toothpaste in the tube.
Easy to take out, hard to put back.” Earl Wilson

Why get financial coaching?

We can help you break the cycle of debt and place you on a path to financial freedom. You don’t have to live feeling “broke, overwhelmed or living paycheck to paycheck”.  At Asefo Consulting, we are here to walk with you every step of the way. Be empowered in your finances. Take control of your money!  Don’t let money take control of you.

How we can help


Creating a plan to allocate your money allows you to gain control of it

Credit Scores

Addressing discrepancies to help improve and increase your overall score


Allocating your money to determine how much is needed for your retirement and savings towards your goal

Student Loan Debt/College Planning

Student Loan Debt/ College Planning

Determining a way to pay off current student loans and/or discuss ways to eliminate the need for future college loan debt

Credit Card Debt Elimination

Tackling the debt accrued from previous credit card purchases and wiping the slate clean

Mortgage Debt/Foreclosure Analysis
Using financial analysis and strategies to help you avoid losing your home to foreclosure

“You must gain control over your money or the lack of it will forever control you.” Dave Ramsey

Our Coaching Plan

Our job as your coach is to help you SEE your finances clearly using our 3-step plan.

Step 1: Summarize

We will evaluate your current views of money and substitute a more accurate perspective

Step 2: Educate

We will analyze your current finances and educate you by providing tools and information to help you take control over your finances

Step 3: Empower

We will empower you by coaching you step by step. This will help you to gain confidence, master your finances, and achieve financial freedom.

We produce happy customers

"I can say that my consultation with Asefo Consulting was "God sent". When I sat down with them, they helped me get "real" with myself about my spending habits. With Asefo Consulting, I was able to come out of my denial. Thank you so much!"

Brittany J.

"I am forever grateful for the financial freedom I was able to discover after the assistance of Asefo Consulting. Through the program, I learned to shift my mindset when it comes to money and how to make decisions that would impact me long term. I never imagined myself paying for school, as I attend, but that was possible after Asefo helped me discover the beauty of financial freedom. I now know how to manage my money without the assistance of loans and debt."

MyEsha D.

(We) thought it was excellent. As a matter of fact, (we) were saying how Asefo Consulting taught us the tools to get out of debt, and save money simultaneously. In addition, my credit score increased by 50 points after we worked with Asefo Consulting.

Lynette R.

Financial Corner

New Year, New Financial View

New Year, New Financial View

3...2...1...Happy New Year!!! We say this to welcome in the New Year, but the question still remains to be seen if it will be a happy year or perhaps a not so happy year. Unfortunately, how a year unfolds is not necessarily the determining factor in happiness....

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Why Budget?

Why Budget?

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What is a FICO score?

What is a FICO score?

It's time to open a new business, get the loan for the new car or put the down payment on your dream home, but the past comes back to haunt you in the form of your FICO score. It can be daunting to be in a position where your future is determined by your past. This...

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